New project wizard


New project wizard

Set your default effect options

  Set the photo effect and transition effect for your project. Photo effect refers to Ken Burns effect that includes four effects: panning, zoom in, zoom out and panning advance. Photo duration is the duration that a photo is displayed in the slideshow. Transition effect is the way that a photo (video clip) switches to the next photo (video clip) in the slideshow. Transition duration is the time interval that a photo (video clip) switches to the next photo (video clip) in the slideshow. If you select Random Selection in the photo effect drop-down list or in the transition effect drop-down list, the program will select effects at random for you. Customize Random List lets you set the transition effect list from which the program will select transition effects at random when you select Random Selection from the transition effect drop-down list. Preview Effect allows you to preview how the photo effect and the transition effect you have selected will work.